Payroll Giving


An easy and tax-efficient way to regularly support Children Change Colombia and impact the lives of children in Colombia

Payroll Giving is an easy and convenient way to regularly donate to Children Change Colombia. Also known as Give As You Earn, it is a way of giving money to charity without paying tax on it. 

Donations are deducted before tax, which means that we receive more whilst costing you less. For example, a £20 donation would cost you £16, and we receive the £4 that would have otherwise gone to the taxman. 

This means we receive the maximum donation possible, as no tax is deducted.

This regular form of income allows us to plan further ahead so that we can better support children and young people in Colombia and to address key neglected issues including recruitment into armed gangs, sexual and gender-based violence, and exclusion from education. 

To see how your contribution impacts children, make sure to sign up to our newsletter to receive regular updates!

Examples of Payroll Giving pledges

If you choose to donate through Payroll Giving, you have complete control over the amount that you pledge. You don’t need to commit to a large regular donation, just whatever you would like to donate each pay day.

How to donate to Children Change Colombia with Payroll Giving

For employees:

Anyone who pays UK tax through PAYE can donate. Once you have checked if your company offers Payroll Giving, all you need to do is inform them that you would like to donate, and they will arrange the donation for you.

It’s that simple – each payday, your Payroll Department will deduct the agreed amount from your salary and send it to us without you having to do anything!

For employers:

Payroll Giving is a great way to boost staff morale, and to demonstrate your company’s commitment to supporting the community and wider stakeholders.

If you don’t already offer Payroll Giving, the first step to setting it up is to get in touch with a HMRC-approved payroll giving agency.

Once your Payroll Giving scheme is set up, you can invite your employees to participate.

After your payroll is processed, donations are sent to your Payroll Giving agency, who then send them to Children Change Colombia to help us continue to provide essential support and care for children and young people facing difficult circumstances in Colombia.

Contact Us

Make sure to get in touch with us if you need any support with the Payroll Giving scheme or have questions. We are happy to help!

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