
Our Projects and Partners

We work closely with local organisations in Colombia to tackle the most pressing issues affecting the wellbeing and rights of children, young people and their communities.

Our projects

Youth Reintegration into Society

We provide a community-based approach to psychosocial care, trauma and reintegration to help children at risk of joining gangs and victims of forced recruitment to access resources needed to deal with trauma. We’re working with Fundación CRAN and Tiempo de Juego to enhance positive relationships within the community and to change situations of vulnerability and criminality.

Educational projects in Antioquia

We’re working Fundación Oro Molido in Antioquia to provide educational opportunities for rural students including: research projects, scholarship opportunities for technical and professional careers, a music academy and three bands which represent their municipalities regionally and nationally to promote music as a means for peace and development in communities.

Football for Peace

This project with ACADESAN and GIZ harnesses the power of sport to strengthen the socioemotional skills of children and young people in nine communities of the San Juan River area in Chocó. In doing so, we hope to prevent forced recruitment, sexual violence and sexual exploitation, as well as promoting gender equality and care strategies to prevent sexual violence.

Paz a la Mochila

Paz a la Mochila, or the ‘peace backpack’, is a toolkit for teachers and leaders who work with children and adolescents so that they can educate communities on truth, non-repetition and peace-building. We are piloting this project in areas where we currently work.

Humanitarian Emergency Response in Chocó

We are constructing a multipurpose centre and shelter to help ACADESAN to receive displaced families in humanitarian emergencies and to provide a space for communities to gather and to participate in activities held by ACADESAN.

Education, Livelihoods and Entrepreneurship

Our project with Misión Gaia aims to improve the quality of education in rural schools with a focus on English language skills and STEAM. We also provide vocational and entrepreneurial training with an emphasis on eco-tourism and green jobs, so that locals can benefit from their biodiverse territory.

Project "Sé"

We’re providing a multipurpose education centre for rural and indigenous communities in La Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. The space will be used as a library and also to hold cultural sessions, community meetings, and other activities. At the centre, Oro Molido will offer educational sessions and connection to the internet to better support the communities.

We have carefully designed and implemented our projects to tackle key neglected issues impacting the rights and wellbeing of Colombian children. We carry out our projects in the regions most impacted by conflict, poverty and inequality, so that every child in Colombia can enjoy a safe and happy childhood.

Our partners

We carry out all of our projects in collaboration with local grassroots organisations to ensure that our work has the most impact possible on children, their families and communities.

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