
Become a Corporate Partner

Becoming a  partner with Children Change Colombia offers your organisation to boost your Corporate Social Responsibility programme and change the lives of children and young people across Colombia.

We work with our partners to create a personalised partnership package which will help us to deliver long-lasting changes for children and young people in Colombia. By creating a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme, you can improve your brand recognition and customer loyalty, and create a workspace that your employees feel proud to belong to.

“Happy Woods Nursery feels very privileged to be able to partner with Children Change Colombia. As an Early Years education provider, we believe that education is paramount to children’s development. This partnership allows us to play our part in providing better opportunities for the future of all children.”

Why become a corporate partner

  • We will work closely with you to develop a partnership which directly impacts the causes that you are passionate about. Your support will promote children’s rights and wellbeing for those most in need.
  • Your support will go directly to Colombia’s most effective organisations. We will identify the organisations which are most suitable for receiving your support.
  • The impact of your support will be continuously monitored. We will provide you with regular reports on the outcomes of your partnership.
  • You will receive wide recognition of your partnership through our communications channels, and we will work closely with your marketing and communications departments to effectively highlight your achievements
  • We provide varied opportunities to involve your employees directly in our projects and fundraising activities.

Tax relief for corporate partners

As we are a UK registered charity, if your business is a UK registered company, you will be eligible to receive a tax deduction when you partner with us.

Eligible donations for tax deductions include money donations, stock or equipment donations, or sponsorships.

Download our guide to tax benefits for corporate partners to find out more how you can claim for deductions.

Our current partners

Contact us

Get in touch with us at [email protected] to discuss your partnership with Children Change Colombia. 

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