
Our Impact

Every child in Colombia deserves the right to a safe and happy childhood. For over 30 years, we’ve been collaborating with local grassroots organisations to help children overcome the trauma caused by poverty, armed conflict, and displacement.

We are pleased to share that to date we have helped 72,942 children, and raised over £15 million to fund 71 projects in collaboration with our local partners.

2023 impact highlights

The information presented in our Impact Reports has been collated by our partners and assessed against a set of overarching indicators in order to verify that we are achieving our key strategic aims to: 

  • Protect children from immediate harm and defend their rights in the long-term.
  • Tackle key neglected issues that threaten children’s rights.
  • Strengthen children’s organisations in Colombia.

The people

We ran 9 different projects, including our newest project in London “Colombia Colores”, which supported over 3,500 children in Colombia, plus 40 children from London

We also conducted more than 30 workshops with our local partners,online and in person,as part of our capacity-building programme.

The issues

Throughout 2023, we continued to work on three neglected issues which impact the wellbeing and rights of children:

  • Forced recruitment into armed groups and gangs
  • Sexual and gender-based violence
  • Exclusion from education

The partners

We worked with 7 inspiring organisations, providing crucial funding for their programmes, as well as technical support to help them to become stronger organisations that are better able to defend the rights of at-risk children in the long-term.

The rights

We protected the rights of:

  • 3,522 children against discrimination
  • 2,448 children’s access to education.
  • 1,170 children to use their own language and culture
  • 1,133 children against violence
  • 471 children to recovery and reintegration
  • 1,074 children  from exploitation

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