
Our Strategy

In 2020, we launched our 5 year strategy to create lasting change that will impact Colombia’s most at-risk children. 

We aim to help children to find their voice and to influence decisions which will affect their lives and their future.

The protection and wellbeing of young Colombians is at the heart of everything we do, and following an investigation into the sector and current challenges surrounding Children’s rights in Colombia, our 2020-2025 strategy outlines our priorities for us to continue to strive for a better and safer future for Colombian children. 

As an organisation, we have established 3 key neglected areas which we will target over the next 5 years:

  • Forced recruitment into armed groups
  • Sexual and gender-based violence
  • Exclusion from education

Across these three issues, we will continue to prioritise raising awareness of the environment and climate change amongst young people, supporting children and communities affected by the armed conflict, and promoting development of new skills in rural areas to improve job and educational opportunities.

The strategy outlines 6 strategic guidelines to align our work with our mission, vision, and values:

Our financial plan will allow us to diversify and increase our income streams, growing both restricted and non-restricted revenues so that we can keep our financial and administrative operations running efficiently and ensuring we can meet our short and long-term obligations. 

We are committed to working with grassroots organisations that run high-quality programs in order to tackle neglected issues.

We are committed to working in a two-way direction to develop skills and knowledge with our stakeholders. All stakeholders should share and receive training which will allow all parties to enhance their performance and responsibilities.

We recognize data as one of our most valuable assets. It plays a key role in the assessment of our operational and strategic performance and helps us to gauge our positive impact.

In order to maintain and enhance the connections with our community, as well as to reach out to new leads, we look to create strong links with all of our stakeholders by using different channels of communication. 

To help the organisation to run smoothly and efficiently, we will always look to strengthen and simplify our processes and policies. 

Weekly Newsletter

UK Registered Charity No. 1075037. Company limited by guarantee 3731943
Children Change Colombia is a registered member of The Fundraising Regulator Service.


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