Dear Friends,
I had the pleasure of travelling to Colombia last month to visit some of our projects. I came back recharged and happy to know that our projects are running smoothly and are having a great impact. I would like to share with you some of the highlights from my trip.
I was delighted to have the chance to visit our project for the prevention of sexual exploitation in Bogotá with Ambassador George Hodgson, who was very happy to see our project. He spent time with the children, read to them and danced with them. It was a very interesting experience for me to discuss human rights and to see the children, who are living in such a difficult context, learn how to protect themselves.
I also went to Sierra Nevada Santa Marta to visit the first project Children Change Colombia implemented directly, working with three rural schools where indigenous and countryside children have access to extra-curricular lessons where they can learn English, ecotourism, entrepreneurship amongst other things. It made me so happy to hear the stories from the children as well as from the teachers and directors of the school, who all expressed their gratitude for the work that we have been doing.
It was particularly amazing to see that the girl-led research group, made up of girls between 10 and 15 years old, had reached their first goal. We have supported them speaking with local charities and expressing their need for a health post which was able to be opened again a few weeks ago. All the children were delighted to have a health post open with a nurse and to have a place they can go when they are sick. It was so comforting to see how these children are being empowered through this project and how it is helping them to change their lives, their futures and bring about change in their local communities.
Find ways to get involved with our programmes and our causes in our How To Get Involved section. Thank you for all the support we receive from you, it makes it possible to continue helping children to change Colombia.
Best wishes,
Angela Carreño
Executive Director