

Keep up with the latest news and read our blogs about what’s happening for children in Colombia

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Latest News

The children and young people at our project with Círculo de Estudios travelled to Paris to perform in “El Bunde del Agua”

Join us for a fantastic summer’s day out – a 10-mile walk along the Thames with a picnic in the beautiful Richmond Park!

Maria Monica, known as “La Montañera ” did a joyful performance at our Project in Santa Fe, Bogotá


Technology for Good

We are supporting and improving education programs that promote high-quality, inclusive learning opportunities for children in rural and marginalised areas. 

In this newsletter, we set out how we are working to achieve this goal through using innovative, pioneering projects, which use technology to break down barriers to education access and place the needs of local children at the centre. 

Read our previous newsletters

"No Child Should be at War"

How are we tackling the issue of child recruitment in Colombia?
child soldiers

"This is my Teenage Reality"

Improving the lives of young people leaving detention centres in Bogotá

"Dancing in the Street"

Changing communities through theatre and dance

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Weekly Newsletter

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