

Privacy Statement

Children Change Colombia respects your right to privacy online and ensure that all personal data is processed is secure, protected and used appropriately. We will not sell your personal data for any reason, and will only ever share it with third parties in order to facilitate our communications with you and administrative purposes that adhere to our privacy policy.

What information do we collect?

We collect personal data in a number of ways; online, at events, email, phone, letters and in any other form of correspondence. Typically the only information we collect from you is: name, address, email, telephone number and bank details when necessary for you to make a donation. Very occasionally, we may need extra information that the GDPR classes as ‘sensitive’ data, however in these circumstances we will explain why we need this data and would only retain this data with your consent.

We may collect information from social media pages where you have given consent, for instance, when you post on our social media pages or message us via our social media account. Occasionally, we may collect information about certain supporters (e.g. particularly well known or influential people) from public sources. This could include public databases (such as Companies House), news or other media. We don’t do this to everyone, and it is the exception not the rule.

How do we use your information?

We use your information in various ways such as:

  • Processing donations and Gift Aid administration on our database
  • Communicating about our work and upcoming events 
  • Raising funds for our work
  • Internal marketing analysis, to improve our services or to enhance the website
  • To record our communications with you to help us know when you have supported or attended events or contacted us for any other reason
  • To check that your communications preferences are up to date
  • Comply with legal requirements such as DBS checks for volunteers 

If you share an address or have a family connection with another supporter such as parents or spouse, your details will be linked on our systems to avoid duplicate mailings and help our supporter care team.

We may need to let third-party companies who provide services to Children Change Colombia access your data. These companies support us with sending emails and processing credit card payments. We will only provide these companies with the relevant information they need to deliver the specific service and ensure that your data is treated with respect and integrity.

What kind of marketing information do we send?

We communicate marketing information about our work via email, post and telephone. If you wish to stop receiving marketing information from us or want to amend your communication preferences then you can do this using the information below.

How will you store my data and how long will you keep it for?

Children Change Colombia has a strict data retention policy which to ensure your data is protected and stored safely and securely.

We will store your personal information on our database for as long as is necessary for the relevant activity, or for the period stipulated by legal bodies such as HMRC. In most cases, we will keep some personal data for up to six years for financial and auditing purposes.

If you decide you wish to stop receiving communications from CCC, we will stop sending you marketing materials. We will keep your record and any appropriate information to ensure we do not contact you again in this way.

We may securely store the data you provide to us for some time, for legacy administration purposes and to communicate effectively with the families of people leaving us legacies. This also enables us to identify and analyse the source of legacy income we receive.

How can I update my information or opt out from receiving future communications?

It is important to us that you remain in control of your personal data. Therefore, if you wish to update your communication preferences or personal information you can do this by any of the following methods:

  • Email – [email protected]
  • Telephone – 02080502735
  • Post – Children Change Colombia, Richbell House, 5 Richbell Place, London, WC1N 3LA

If you wish to stop receiving marketing emails from us, you can always unsubscribe from our mailing list using the opt-out link at the bottom of our emails or contact us using the details above to also be removed.

The General Data Protection Act stipulates that you have the right to request a copy of the personal information we hold about you and to have any inaccuracies corrected. If you wish to see a copy of the information that we have on you please contact us at any time.

Please address requests and questions about this or any other question about this Privacy Policy to the Data Protection Officer, Children Change Colombia, Development House, 56-64 Leonard Street, London, EC2A 4LT

How can you change the ways we contact you?

Your right to control over your personal data is paramount to us, so if you wish to stop receiving updates from us in a certain way such as email, you can click the unsubscribe button and we will stop sending you information. If you wish to stop hearing from us via phone or post you can contact us via email, telephone or post and we will remove you from our mailing list.

Internet Cookies

What is a Cookie? The ICO describes as a cookie as a small file of letters and numbers that is downloaded on to your computer when you visit a website. We use cookies to help make sure you have a personalised experience when visiting our website.

Cookies help us identify how often people visit different pages on our website so we can improve certain sections of it. The information we get from cookies also allows us to monitor how effective campaigns are and to improve our fundraising techniques.

Types of Cookie we use on our website

First party cookies: These are cookies that are associated with the host domain. Essentially these are our own cookies, controlled by us and used to manage/improve website performance.

Third party cookies: These are cookies found in other companies’ internet tools/widgets which we are using to enhance our site, for example Twitter and Disqus use their own Cookies. These Cookies are controlled by them not by CCC.

If you wish to update your cookie preferences then you can amend the settings in your web browser using the information here.

Our Privacy Policy is reviewed regularly to ensure that it reflects how we use your information. If you have any questions regarding updates to our Privacy Policy then please contact us.

Weekly Newsletter

UK Registered Charity No. 1075037. Company limited by guarantee 3731943
Children Change Colombia is a registered member of The Fundraising Regulator Service.


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