
Why do children in Colombia need support?

Poverty, inequality and violence in Colombia

Millions of Colombians are still desperately poor. The Covid-19 crisis had a devastating effect on the Colombian economy, undoing over a decade of gradual progress in reducing poverty. 

While average levels of poverty in Colombia are troublingly high, poverty is even higher among certain groups and regions. It is estimated that over 80% of Colombia’s millions of displaced people live in poverty. Afro-Colombian and indigenous people, women, people with disabilities and young people who have been in care are also disproportionately likely to be affected by poverty.

Why run for Children Change Colombia?

We are a small charity so your fundraising goes a long way to supporting our work with children at risk in Colombia. With your support we can:

  • Protect children in Colombia from violence, sexual exploitation and neglect.
  • Keep children out of the hands of armed groups.
  • Empower children to build more positive futures for themselves through education and creating support networks.

Get started

Get in touch with our fundraising team at [email protected] and we will give you all the information you need to get started.

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UK Registered Charity No. 1075037. Company limited by guarantee 3731943
Children Change Colombia is a registered member of The Fundraising Regulator Service.


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