Wilson Psychologist

Wilson Herazo


Originally from Santa Marta, Wilson is a psychologist who has worked on social intervention projects supporting children, young people and adults. These initiatives seek to empower people in their territories and to generate an impact within their land. Wilson is responsible for providing clinical, social and community support, and has worked in the Secretariat Diocesan of Social Pastoral. 

As Coordinator of the “Young Peace Builders” project in Taganga, he developed his profession as a clinical psychologist in two IPS in the city supporting children and young people with special cognitive needs. In addition, he coordinated the project “Life Centers for the Elderly” where he was a psychologist and in charge of health personnel. In 2023, he joined the Children Change Colombia team to support the project “Education for Change and Innovation in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta” with the motivation of supporting and serving his territory.

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