
May 2024

La historia de María

María sueña con montar su propio negocio. A principios de este año, tuvimos el placer de ofrecerle una beca completa para estudiar comercio internacional en la universidad, para que pueda estar un paso más cerca de alcanzar sus objetivos.

María’s Story

María dreams of setting up her own business. Earlier this year, we were delighted to offer her a full scholarship to study international business at university, so that she can be one step closer to reaching her goals.

After attending our project in La Sierra Nevada, Gizeth has been offered a scholarship to study psychology

La historia de Gizeth

Gizeth sueña con ser psicóloga, impulsada por su deseo de ayudar a los demás y retribuir a su comunidad. Ha sido elegida para recibir una beca en el Politécnico Gran Colombiano, para que pueda cumplir sus sueños.

After attending our project in La Sierra Nevada, Gizeth has been offered a scholarship to study psychology

Gizeth’s Story

Gizeth dreams of becoming a psychologist, driven by her desire to help others and give back to her community. She has been chosen to receive a scholarship to Politecnico Gran Colombiano, so that she can fulfil her dreams.

Keiner has received a full scholarship to attend university

La historia de Keiner

A pesar de crecer en una región rural rodeada de conflictos y trastornos desde muy joven, Keiner nunca dejó de soñar. Ahora, asistirá a la universidad con una beca completa para estudiar Derecho.

Keiner has received a full scholarship to attend university

Keiner’s Story

Despite growing up in a rural region surrounded by conflict and disruptions from a young age, Keiner never stopped dreaming. Now, he will attend university with a full scholarship to study Law.

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